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The Impact of Rising Sea Temperatures


First, the probability of a powerful storm increases. Factors affecting the occurrence of tropical storms are sea surface temperature, sea level rise, ocean currents,etc. They act in combination with each other and it affects the strength of the storm.


During 30 years, the average number of cyclone is 25.6, but in 10 years the average number of cyclone is 23.0. Cyclone is frequently happening about three times.


Second, the sea temperature rises, due to decreasing the solubility of the gas the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is much increased. In addition, because the heat storage capacity of the ocean is a thousand times more than the atmosphere, rising sea temperature means a loss of a heat storage capacity.


Third, sea level rises as rising as sea temperature because the volume of water is the smallest at 4℃ and if sea temperature increases, the volume expands. In addition, the land of the ice melt, the effect of rising sea level is doubled.

Sea Temperature Rising

 The Impact of Rising Sea Temperature

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