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 Water temperature is rising due to global warming  and it has had a significant impact on water ecosystems . 60 percent of the fish that inhabit the current change , extinction fish is also increasing . There is a large impact on the distribution of fIsh because  fish near the equator is depleted, South and North Pole fish is increasing rapidly . This will give a significant impact economically and table our culture .


 Depending on the change in the distribution of fish, the change of the type of fish will occur. The possibility that the size of the fish is reduced, causing the food poisoning  increases due to shellfish toxins is increased.There is a significant change in the amount of fishery production in economic impact due to the increase of water temperature,  damage of fishing was critical  by jellyfish and starfish. In addition , it is expected that there are subtropical organisms rapidly increasing,  a large changing in the tourism industry.


 Rising in water temperature give to  direct, indirect effect to us instead of only affects the distribution of fish.  These effects are accelerated in the future. It is expected  that damage increases the entire Korean peninsula because of full of subtropical organisms in 2055.


 So, we have to be realized the seriousness of such a change and make a multiple measures. Since increasing in temperature has an impact on the place worldwide, we have to look at this from global perspective. it is necessary that it should be well aware of the damages associated there with.



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- 2013.08.21. TEN(무역환경정보네트워크)(




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